Monday, 22 November 2010


As a group we were shown the first 15 minutes of a show that we had not seen before, while we were watching we was asked to think about who the target audience could be, what adverts we would show in between the breaks, who we could choose to sponser the show and what time and what channel it would be aired on.

We found out the name of the film Hellcats, we decided as a group that the target audience would be about 13-15 year old girls, this made sense as the show was about cheer leading and other girly things, I think boys might watch it but would only be to watch the young girls in the show.

Further we decided that we would air the show on Channel 5 as it is too much of a smaller show to air on the other channels, the time of the show would be between 6-7pm as this would be the time that the target audience would be home and probably watching tele.

The adverts we chose to show between the breaks were:

  • GHD
  • High School Musical 
  • Charlie spray 
  • MaxFactor 
  • Loreal 
  • Nintendo DS 
  • Animal Crossing.
 I think out of all of these products the best to be the sponser would be GHD as they are a big company and are perfect for the sponser, to advertise to young girls to buy their product.

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